Wing Reconstruction, Pitts-2B

We noted a nearly invisible multiple fracture in the rear spar when viewed under the right light.

(forward side of spar)

Anterior view

(aft side of spar)

An outboard rib sustained a broken gusset and a cracked upper cap strip do to the tortional load of the ground loop

On the associated aileron we replaced a tip spar, outboard rib and leading edge skin.

The wing has been carefully dissected to allow spar removal and replacement.

The new spar has been slid into place and the wing squaring fixture installed for final assembly.

The outboard rib cap strip has been professionally spliced and the gusset replaced.

The spar is replaced and all other repairs completed. The wing has been squared with drag/antidrag wires properly tensioned. New plywood was installed at roots with proper access and inspection holes. The wing is ready for cover.

The wing has been covered. Val and Shane team up for the rib stitching.

The rib stitching is complete. All tapes and final processes are now ready for paint.

Laying out and shooting the stripes prior to final assembly.